ABLS Accreditation is a UKBA approved accreditation body for the purpose of accrediting private education providers that wish to recruit students that need a visa to study in the United Kingdom. It is an independent limited company which undertakes initial and repeat inspections to ensure that stringent quality assurance criteria and UK legal requirements are adhered to.
Established in 1993, ABLS Accreditation believes that all students, in whichever way they study English, should be guaranteed a safe and effective learning environment. It exists to ensure through its inspections that high standards of teaching, as well as the requisite levels of additional and necessary support, are provided for the benefit and well-being of students.
ABLS Accreditation recognises that English is taught in a wide variety of contexts and has always stood for diversity and choice. ABLS aims to provide an accreditation service which allows all providers of private and independently run English language services equal access to an external quality assurance system which is both rigorous and fair.
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